
Why exercise when we can diet and get slim!!!!!

That's the most heard myth among the common people. They think that it is better to diet by skipping meals to get slimmer instead of exercising daily after their daily office work or routine work. They simply don't want to use their free time to work on their bodies which is one of the most beautiful gifts given to us by the nature. First of all, if u ask any trainer or dietician his first suggestion would be not to skip meals or diet. One cannot simply lose weight because of it. You may get slim by this method but one you are back to your eating habits your fats would come back.

It is very important to exercise to not only lose those extra kilos but also to look much fitter and much more younger than ur age.

I myself have lost 36 kilos in the last 2 years. It was hard to concentrate but my dietician and trainers really worked on me and now the results are in front of me. Every now and then I keep getting compliments from people about my looks. And mind you this also helps to keep your skin healthy and helps a lot in improving your self confidence which is a must in todays world.

So keep reading to know more about the benefits of exercising.

Happy exercising!!!!

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