




Botanically it is known as Terminalia chebula. It contains tannins, chebulagic acid and gallic acid. It is a miraculous fruit having immense healing powers. Hippocrates said that if one bites a piece of haritaki after meals and swallows its juice, one will remain free from all diseases. Seven different types of haritaki are found and they are known as avaya, amrita, ketaki, juvanti, putana, vijoya and rohini. It is also known as 'long life elixir'. It is a magic fruit of proven value.


Haritaki chewed in the morning everyday in empty stomach heals a number of ailments like piles, colitis, skin eruptions, constipation, voice disorders, asthma, defective vision, wounds, acidity, gall-stones etc. The most important point to remember is that it, increases longevity. It is said to be a good liver tonic.

It is one of three constituents of the well-known Indian preparation called triphala, the other two constituents are bahera and amlaki. Triphala is used as a laxative and in the treatment of enlarged liver, stomach troubles and pain in the eyes.

Haritaki increases appetite; if taken after boiling removes constipation; if taken after grinding, purifies blood; if taken along with other foods, increases intellect, vitality and sexual power; if taken after frying in ghee, it subsides vata, pitta, and kapha. Taken after principal meals, it prevents cough and cold, acidity, biliousness and stomach disorders.


Rules for taking haritaki in different seasons: During summer months, it should be taken with molasses; in rainy season, it should be taken with rock-salt; in autumn, it should be taken with sugar­candy; in dewy season, it is usually taken with ginger; in winter, it should be taken along with ground pepper,and in spring, it is usually taken with honey.


Ayurvedic cures by haritaki

  1. Skin eruptions: Haritaki juice subsides bile in the stomach. Skin troubles are usually caused by bile disorders. If its juice is taken daily after every principal meals, it cures all sorts of skin eruptions.
  2. Acidity: Its juice neutralises too much acidity in the stomach if taken after all principal meals. It acts like miracle if taken with amalaki juice.
  3. Asthma: Asthmatic tendencies can be reduced to the minimum by chewing a small piece of haritaki every night.
  4. Piles: Piles can be easily cured if one takes a piece of haritaki before retiring to bed at night. It subsides the swollen veins of the walls of the anus.
  5. Gall-stones: Gall-stones can be melted into water if one takes haritaki and amlaki juice daily after meals for some time.
  6. Eye troubles: A mixture of haritaki and amlaki juices keeps the eyes healthy and strong.

A pregnant woman should not take haritaki as it may cause abortion.


J.F. Dastur in his book 'Medicinal Plants of India and Pakistan' has said that chebulic myrobalan is a mild, safe and efficacious laxative, astringent, stomachic, tonic, and alterative; the pulp of the fruit is given in piles, chronic diarrhoea, dysentery, costiveness, flatulence, asthma, urinary disorders, vomiting, hiccup, intestinal worms, ascites, enlarged liver and spleen.

Benefit and uses of Chebulic myrobalan

  • Chebulic myrobalan (Triphala) reduce high blood pressure and hypertension and improves blood circulation.
  • Chebulic myrobalan widely used in Tibetan medicine.
  • It is strongly astringent, contracting tissues, and is therefore used for various skin imbalances and fluid discharges.
  • Chebulic myrobalan(Triphala) corrects constipation, cleanses and tonify the gastro intestinal tract.
  • Chebulic myrobalan(Triphala) is useful in asthma, piles and cough.
  • It is used as gargle against inflamation of mucous membrane of mouth.
  • Terminalia Chebula is used to treat a variety of conditions such as digestive disorders, urinary infections, diabetes, skin diseases, parasitic infections, heart diseases, irregular fevers, flatulence, constipation, ulcers, vomiting, colic pain and hemorrhoids.


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