
Home Remedies for ALZHEIMER's




Alzheimer’s disease is a neurological disorder. It is the most common dementia among aged people. It is named after Dr. Alois Alzheimer.


Symptoms for Alzheimer’s

Initial symptom is mild forgetfulness

Alzheimer’s disease is a gradual process. Mild forgetfulness is its initial symptom. However, a person with mild forgetfulness need not necessarily have Alzheimer’s disease. In the initial stage, patients start forgetting their daily routine. They may not remember places, things or people they were familiar with before. They are unable to take any decisions and may resist any changes in their life. In the middle stage, behavioral changes are noticed in Alzheimer’s patients. Patients may accuse people around them of stealing. They may sleep frequently or be awake at night. They may face difficulties in organizing thoughts. They may keep on repeating the same things. At a later stage, Alzheimer’s patients need to be taken care of. They may scream loudly. They may not be able to recognize themselves. They may be unsteady. They may have difficulty in eating food. They may not have control on their bowels and bladders. They may touch or cry repeatedly.

Causes for Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer is an age related disease

Exact cause of Alzheimer’s disease is not yet known. Many factors contribute to Alzheimer’s disease. Age is considered to be the major factor. Scientists are not clear whether this disease is hereditary or not. People with high blood pressure, smoking habit and high cholesterol levels are at high risk of this disease. A head injury long back or Down’s syndrome also increases the chances of Alzheimer’s disease.

Remedies for Alzheimer’s

Herbal Remedies for Alzheimer

Ginkgo biloba is the mainly prescribed medicine for most neurological disorders. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which protects brain cells from damage. Phosphatidylserine, Huperzine A and Vinpocetine are some other herbal remedies for Alzheimer’s disease.

Alzheimer's Disease Home Remedies with Sesame Oil:

Sesame oil is a holistic food item that is actually the basic ingredient of most herbal medicine originating from India.
Studies have shown that sesame oil can relieve the depression associated with Alzheimer's disease.

To use sesame oil for Alzheimer's, heat a small amount of oil using a tablespoon over a burner or a candle.
Apply three drops of the warmed sesame seed oil in both the patient's nostril twice a day.

Natural Cure For Alzheimer's Disease with Soy Products:

Soy products are rich in isoflavones. And this nutrient is best for women suffering from Alzheimer's disease.
It helps in protecting them from postmenopausal syndromes. Several studies can back up this finding.

Soymilk can be added on cereal served during breakfast. Soy meat substitutes and tofu treats can be added to the main dish in replacement of beef or poultry. Around 20-25 grams of soy protein is suggested per day.

Homemade Remedies for Alzheimer's Disease with Curry Powder:

This spice is a good anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Curry comes from curcumin, a type of tumeric that can prevent Alzheimer's disease.
India is the world's biggest consumer of curry power and incidentally, they have the lowest rate of Alzheimer's disease in the world.

Curry power is normally added to dishes as a form of spice.


·  Many people with Alzheimer's disease experience a decrease in taste sensation. Spicing up their food would be a good idea for the taste and for the appetite. The following ingredients can be used: chili powder, pepper, sage, oregano. Careful with the salt.

·  Pumpkin, sesame, and sunflower seeds are necessary for brain function.

·  Eat bluberries to slow down age related motor changes.

·  Home remedy for alzheimer's disease: eating carrots to improve memory

·  Eating fish is good for healthy brain function.

·  Drink orange juice to increase vitamin C


Diet for Alzheimer’s


Foods with antioxidants are beneficial


Alzheimer’s patient should avoid high fat and high calorie diets. They must also abstain from salt, alcohol, cigarette smoking, processed foods, refined carbohydrates and environmental toxins. Inflammatory agents like anti-oxidants are also beneficial for Alzheimer’s patients. Therefore patients with Alzheimer’s disease must eat a diet which contains antioxidants like vitamin A, vitamin C, green tea and so on.

Suggestion for Alzheimer’s

Good to keep the brain occupied

Perform some brain exercise like solving puzzles.


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