
What is Light?

What is Light, spiritually speaking?

It's joy. It's unconditional love and compassion. It's that which animates us and fills our body with life.

And you experience it all the time. Any moments in which you feel genuinely happy, when joy floods through you...that's the Light. When you are pleased by a job well done, when you are tingling from falling in love, when you are perfectly relaxed on a boat on the ocean, when you are laughing so hard with friends that you think you're going to explode, when you watch someone you love earn something they deserve. The source of all of this is the Light.

The Light is on 24/7. We only need to step back from our rational, self-serving minds, and let it do its magic.

Allow yourself to feel the Light today. Just let yourself experience the joy, love and compassion that is inside of you. That's it.

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