
Bladder Stones

Bladder Stones


Bladder Stones are hard buildups of mineral that form in the urinary bladder. The causes of bladder stones are not completely understood. Diet and fluid intake appear to be important factors. Most bladder stones do not cause symptoms by themselves, but their predisposing conditions do. They can form anywhere in the urinary system, but end up in the bladder. The most common types contain calcium salts. Most sufferers notice that their urine production is painful, significantly reduced or completely blocked. Prolonged urinary tract infections can cause chronic bladder pain or blood in the urine. Stones seem to be more common in hot climates and during summer months. They are more common in hotter regions. Stones are more common in men and rare in children. People with gout can have stones made of uric acid. The investigations for bladder stones include x-rays and analysis of urine. Numerous urine samples may be needed over the course of a day to watch for changes. Once bladder stones are diagnosed, the underlying causes are treated, when possible. Some stones may be removed by surgery.



The two most common signs of bladder stones are hematuria (blood in the urine) and dysuria. Hematuria occurs because the stones irritate the bladder wall, causing bleeding from its surface. Dysuria occurs when stones obstruct the passage of urine out of the bladder. Men are three times more likely to develop bladder stones than women. The chances of stones forming increases with age. Most people are over 45 when the stones are discovered. Bladder stones may not cause any symptoms at all. This is often the case when stones are small and manage to pass unhindered in the urine out of the body. Many bladder stones can be passed out of the body in the urine. People with small bladder stones will be asked to increase their fluid intakes to at least six to eight eight-ounce glasses of water per day to increase urinary output. If the stones do not pass after two weeks, or if the patient's symptoms become worse, further medical treatment may be required. Stones that cannot be broken into pieces by these methods, or that the patient cannot pass, may have to be surgically removed.

Prevention of Bladder stones

  • Prompt treatment of urinary tract infections or other urologic conditions may help prevent bladder stones.
  • Drinking large amounts of fluids - 8 to 10 ten-ounce glasses a day - is recommended.
  • Potassium citrate may be given to increase a low urine level of citrate, a substance that inhibits calcium stone formation.
  • Patient avoid all meats, eggs, animal fats and processed and denatured foods as well as fried foods.
  • A change in diet may help, and the underlying disorder can be treated.
  • Drinking cranberry juice may help prevent urinary tract infections, which can lead to bladder stones.

Home Remedies for Bladder stones

  • Drink 1 glass of cranberry juice a day.
  • Drink fresh onion juice.
  • Boil 2 figs (anjeer) in 1 cup of water. Drink daily for a month.
  • To increase urine, eat a lot of parsley.
  • Eat garlic and cabbage daily.
  • Eat yogurt daily.
  • Make tea from corn fiber, parsley and rosmery.

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