
Abrus Precatorius

Abrus Precatorius

Abrus precatorius
English: Jequirity, crab's eye, Indian liquorice
Hindi: Rati
Sanskrit: Gunja

The plant has been used in Hindu medicine from very early times, as well as in China and other ancient cultures. The seeds were formerly used in India to weigh gemstones( they are very uniform in size, a single seed equal to 1.75 g or 1 carat ) and in fact the Kohinoor diamond was first weighed by this means. In parts of South America and the Caribbean, necklaces of the seeds were traditionally made for infants to wear as a protection against illness. They are very attractive and hence are popular as jewellery, in rosaries and in noisy toys such as rattles, although this should be avoided because of their toxicity if ingested.


A slender vine growing wild in thickets, farms and secondary clearings, generally supported by other plants or a fence. It is native to India, from the Himalayas down to southern India and Sri Lanka, but now grows in all tropical regions throughout the world, most commonly in Florida and Hawaii, Africa, South America and the West Indies.

Botanical description

A twining, climbing shrub, with greenish yellow branches (Plate 1). Leaves 5-17 compound, leaflets obovate or oblong; flowers in crowded racemes, subsessile, pale purple to yellowish. The seeds are slightly smaller than ordinary peas; ovoid scarlet with a black spot round the hilum, or black with a white spot, or uniformly black or white, and glossy. The stout rectangular, bulging, brownish pods ripen by the end of the cold season and curl back on opening to reveal the pendulous red and black seeds, 4-6 in a pod. The root is woody, tortuous and much branched, with a sweet taste, rather like liquorice.

Parts used

Roots, leaves and seeds. Traditional and modem use In Ayurveda the plant is considered beneficial for the hair and the seed extract is used externally in the treatment of ulcers and skin affections. The seeds are poisonous and should only be given to patients after proper processing (e.g. 'Shodhan'), as the toxic protein abrin is then denatured.1 In India a hot water extract of the leaves and roots or seeds is applied topically for eye diseases and taken orally as an emmenagogue. The inhabitants of the Andaman Islands eat the boiled seeds. In tropical Africa, a decoction of the root is taken orally as an antiemetic and for treatment of bilharzia, tapeworm infestation, gonorrhoea, asthma, in chest pain and as an aphrodisiac, and the roots are chewed for snakebite. Seeds are taken orally by several Central African tribes for intestinal worms and as an oral contraceptive. A single dose (200 mg) is said to be effective for 13 menstrual cycles. The water extract of the dried leaves and root is taken orally as a nerve tonic in Brazil and powdered leaves are applied to cuts and swellings.

Ethnoveterinary usage

The leaf is used to treat fowl pox in poultry.

Major chemical constituents

Isotlavonoids and quinones

Abruquinones A,B,C,O,E, F and G. are present in the root and abrusalactone A, abrusgenic acid and methyl abrusgenate'2 in the aerial parts.

Triterpenoids and saponins

Glycyrrhizin and oleanolic acid are found in the rootB and abrusosides A, B, C, 0 and E in the aerial parts.' Abrus-saponins I and II, abrisapogenol, â -amyrin, squalene, abricin, abridin, cycloartenol, campesterol, cholesterol and â-Sitosterol have all been found in the seeds.


Abrins I, II and III, Abrus precatorius agglutinin (APA) I and APA II20 are present in the seeds.

Alkaloids and nitrogen compounds

Precatorine, trigonelline, choline and abrine are present in the seeds.

Flavonoids and anthocyanins

Abrectorin, dimethoxycentaureidin-7 -0-rutinoside, precatorins I, II and III, and xyloglucosyl-delophinidin and p-coumaroyl-galloyl-glucosyl-delphinidin have been isolated from the seeds.


Galactose, arabinose, and xylose25 are present in the aerial parts.

Medicinal and pharmacological activities

Antitumour activity: Agglutinin protein purified from the seeds of Abrus precatorius showed high anti tumour activity. Injection of 1 ng of abrinA into mice bearing Meth-A tumour inhibited the tumour growth by 90%, with abrinA having a higher affinity constant for sarcoma cells than abrin B. Binding inhibition studies with sugars suggested that abrins A and B have different binding sites, although both abrins inhibited sarcoma 180 in mice. Abrin A was more toxic than abrin B. Phytoagglutinins had agglutinating activity in murine ascites cells and inhibited the growth of Yoshida sarcoma cells.

Immunomodulating activity: The abrins have been used in the formulation of antigenic injections with the ability to increase both cellular and humoral immune responses but without causing necrosis and swelling at the injection site. Thus, a mixture of 15 ng abrin and l11g bovine serum albumin (BSA), when administered by injection, provided a stronger immune response to the antigen than when abrin and BSA were administered separately. The activity of abrin to increase the humoral immunity was strongest at the 10 ng dose. Abrin also enhanced antitumour immunity.

Antifertility activity, males: An alcoholic extract of the seed produced a lowering of sperm motility, but no effect on concentration, after 60 days of feeding to male rats. Scanning electron microscopic studies on sperm morphology revealed decapitation, acrosomal damage and formation of bulges on the mid-piece region. Biochemical studies on epididymal spermatozoa indicated alterations in energy and or oxidative metabolism, as evidenced by a fall in succinate dehydrogenase and ATPase levels.


The average number of implantation sites in females, after mating with the treated male rats, also markedly declined. However, a significant increase in serum testosterone levels was noted, suggesting that the decrease in fertility rate in treated animals was due to reduced sperm motility, metabolism and altered morphology in the epididymis rather than changes in hormone levels. Dose¬dependent degenerative changes in testicular weight, sperm count, later stages of spermatogenesis and Leydig cells were observed in the testis of rats given the steroidal fraction of the seeds.


This may be a result of a decrease in the activity of enzymes such as hydroxysteroid ehydrogenases, glucose-6-phosphate and sorbitol dehydrogenases and leucine aminopeptidase or an indirect influence at the pituitary leve)," In another study, oral administration of a 50% ethanol extract of the seeds (250 mglkg) in albino rats for 30 and 60 days induced an absolute infertility in males, which was reversible. Suppression of sperm motility in the cauda epididymis was the most pronounced effect of the treatment. Histological and other observations on the testes and para reproductive tissues appeared normal, while the protein, sialic acid, acid phosphatase and succinic dehydrogenase levels were significantly depleted.

Methanol extracts of the seeds showed an inhibitory effect on the motility of washedhuman spermatozoa, which was essentially irreversible. At the highest concentration tested (20 mg/ml), the onset of the antimotility action was almost immediate and the functional integrity of the plasma membrane and viability impaired. In contrast, with a lower concentration (5 mg/ml), such effects were not evident. It was concluded that at the lower concentrations, the antimotility action may have resulted from a rise in intracellular calcium (not via influx),a decline in cAMP content and/or enhanced generation of reactive oxygen species.

Antifertility activity, females: A partially purified fraction, injected precoitum or immediately postcoitum to female rats, induced 100% sterility, but was ineffective when injected 2-5 days postcoitum. Isolated abridin induced 100% sterility in rats when injected one day pre- or postcoitum. The alcoholic extract of the seeds of A. precatorius when injected for 10-12 days disturbed the oestrus cycle of the rat and induced sterility when injected for five consecutive days prior to mating.


Similar activity was recorded in the unsaponifiable fraction of the extract. This altered the cyclic rhythm of the animals, lowered plasma oestradiol and progesterone levels and decreased ovarian weight, possibly by altering ovarian steroid metabolism. The petroleum ether and alcoholic extracts of the roots, given 1-5 days postcoitus, completely prevented nidation and the alcoholic extract also showed anti-oestrogenic activity when given simultaneously with 0.05 pg oestradiol. The oral LDso of the alcohol extract was 2 g/kg.

Abortifacient activity: An aqueous suspension of the seeds induced abortion in 51 % of rats, when orally administered postcoitally at the daily dose of 125 mg/kg from day a to day 10. The activity was reduced when the same dose was administered from day 6 to day 15.35 Antiplatelet activity: The isoflavoquinones and abruquinones A, Band D significantly inhibited platelet aggregation. The ICso values of abruquinones A and B for the inhibition of the platelet aggregation induced by arachidonic acid and collagen were less than 5 pg/ml, and that of abruquinone D was less than 10 pg/ml for aggregation induced by arachidonic acid.

Antiinflammatory and antiallergic activity: Abruquinones A, B, D and F showed strong antiinflammatory and antiallergic effects. The ICsofor the inhibition of superoxide formation was less than 0.3 pg/ml for the inhibition of the release of both P-glucuronidase and lysozyme from rat neutrophils and less than 1 pg/ml for the release of p-glucuronidase and histamine from mast cells." Saponins isolated from the aerial parts, and their acetates, exhibited antiinflammatory activity in the croton oil ear model. Polymyxin B-induced hind paw oedema was suppressed by abruquinone A, in normal as well in adrenalectomised mice. Unlike dexamethasone, abruquinone A did not increase the liver glycogen content in fasting adrenalectomised mice.


It reduced the volume of exuded plasma in neurogenic inflammation and passive cutaneous anaphylactic reaction. Histamine, serotonin, bradykinin and substance P-induced plasma extravasation in ear oedema was also suppressed, to a greater extent than with diphenhydramine and methysergide. These and other results suggested that the antiinflammatory effect of abruquinone A is mediated partly via the suppression of the release of chemical mediators from mast cells and partly via the prevention of vascular permeability changes caused by mediators.

Molluscicidal activity: In vivo and in vitro sublethal exposure to abrin and glycyrrhizin inhibited acetylcholinesterase, lactic dehydrogenase and acid and alkali phosphatase activity in the nervous tissue of Lymnaea acuminata. Succinic dehydrogenase activity was increased during the in vivo treatment although in vitro exposure had no significant effect. Abrin and glycyrrhizin also significantly decreased levels of protein, free amino acid, DNA and RNA and abrin caused a reduction in phospholipid levels with a simultaneous increase in the rate of lipid peroxidation in the treated snails.

Insecticidal activity: Abrine produced a dose-dependent depletion of sugars and protein content in mealy bugs and also in lipids at higher concentrations, suggesting that abrine could have a useful effect on reducing the population of this insect.

Use as a sweetening agent: Abrusosides A, B,C and 0 have been suggested as sugar substitutes in foods and pharmaceuticals. Preliminary safety studies indicate a lack of acute toxicity in mice and mutagenicity. In sensory tests the abrusosides were 30-100 times sweeter than 2 % sucrose. Abrusoside 0 had a lingering sweetness lasting 30 minutes.

Antibacterial activity: The ethanol (95%) extract was active against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus.
Antidiarrhoeal activity: A fraction obtained from the dried seeds was active against castor oil-induced diarrhoea in rats.

Safety profile

Fatal poisoning in children has been reported after the thorough chewing of one seed. They are highly toxic and cause severe stomach cramping accompanied by nausea, severe diarrhoea, cold sweats, tachycardia, coma and circulatory collapse. The LOso of abrin (IP) in mice was found to be 8.34 mg/kg. Prolonged administration of abrin in mice produced initial anaemia, which normalised at the end of the experiment, and an increase in white blood cell count. Intraperitoneal injection of abrin to pregnant rats produced both maternal and fetal changes, whereas abrin given orally produced significant fetal effects only:sThe ethanol-water (1: 1) extract of the aerial parts was much less toxic (when administered to mice the LOso was> 1 g/kg body weight46) and the ethanol (95 %) extract of the dried leaves, administered to chickens, produced an LOso of 12 mglkg body weight.


  • Leaf decoction: 56-112 ml
  • Root powder: 0.5-1 g
  • Ayurvedic properties Rasa: Tikta (bitter)
  • Guna: Laghu (light), ruksha (dry), tikshna
  • (sharp)
  • Veerya: Ushna (hot) Vipaaka: Katu (pungent) Dosha: Pacifies vata and pitta






Arteriosclerosis refers to the thickening of the walls of the arteries. It has become a common ailment in modem times, accounting for much of the disability and high death rate, more so among older people. Arteriosclerosis is usually preceded by atherosclerosis, a kind of fatty infiltration in the inner lining of the blood vessel walls. The most risky places for such degeneration are the coronary vessels of the heart and the arteries of the brain. Arteriosclerosis results in the loss of elasticity of the blood vessels and a narrowing of the smaller arteries, which interferes with the free circulation of the blood.


Arteriosclerosis symptoms

Inadequate blood supply in the legs

The symptoms of arteriosclerosis vary according to the arteries involved. Signs of inadequate blood supply generally appear first in the legs. There may be numbness and coldness in the feet, and cramps and pains in the legs even after light exercise.

For coronary arteries involved, sharp pains mat be felt

If the coronary arteries are involved, the patient may have sharp pains, characteristic of angina pectoris. When arteries leading to the brain are involved, the vessel may burst, causing haemorrhage in the brain tissues. A cerebral vascular stroke, with partial or complete paralysis on one side of the body, may result if there is blockage with a blood clot. It may also lead to loss of memory and a confused state of mind in elderly people. If arteries leading to the kidneys are involved, the patient may suffer from high blood pressure and kidney disorders.

Causes of Arteriosclerosis

Lack of physical exercise and a high fat diet

The most important causes of arteriosclerosis are lack of physical exercise, excessive intake of white sugar, refined foods, and a high fat diet rich in cholesterol.

Obesity, diabetes and stress

Other diseases such as high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes may also cause hardening of the arteries. Emotional stress plays an important part, and heart attacks are more common during periods of mental and emotional disturbances, particularly in those engaged in sedentary occupations.


Heredity also plays its role and this disease runs in families.

Home Remedies for Arteriosclerosis

Arteriosclerosis treatment using Lemon

One of the most effective home remedies for arteriosclerosis is the lemon peel. It is believed to be one of the richest sources of vitamin P. It strengthens the entire arterial system. Shredded lemon peel of one lemon may be added to soups and stews, or sprinkled over salads. To make a medicine, the peel of one or two lemons may be cut up finely, covered with warm water and allowed to stand for about twelve hours. A teaspoon may be taken every three hours, or immediately before or after a meal.

Arteriosclerosis treatment using Parsley

Parsley is another effective remedy for arteriosclerosis. It contains elements which help to maintain the blood vessels, particularly the capillaries, and arterial system in a healthy condition. It may be taken as a tea: a teaspoon of dry parsley may be allowed to simmer gently in a cupful of water for a few minutes. This can be taken two to three times daily.

Arteriosclerosis treatment using Vegetable Juices

Beet juice, taken daily, has been found valuable in arteriosclerosis. It is an excellent solvent for inorganic calcium deposits. The juices of carrots and spinach are also beneficial if taken once a day. These juices can be taken individually-500 ml, or as a combination. When taken as a combination, they should be in the following proportion: carrots-300 ml and spinach-200 ml to prepare 500 ml of juice.

Arteriosclerosis treatment using Honey

Honey is also considered beneficial in the treatment of arteriosclerosis. It is easily digested and assimilated. The patient should take a glass of water with one teaspoon each of honey and lemon juice in it, before going to bed. He can also take it if he wakes up at night.

Arteriosclerosis treatment using Ishabgul

The herb ishabgul, botanically known as Plantagoovata, has been found valuable in arteriosclerosis. The oil of the seeds of this plant should be used. It contains fifty per cent of linoleic acid, an unsaturated fat, and is, therefore, helpful in the prevention and treatment of this disease.

Arteriosclerosis treatment using Garlic and Onions

Recent investigations have shown that garlic and onions have a preventive effect on the development of arteriosclerosis. They should be included in the daily diet, either raw or cooked, according to individual taste.

Arteriosclerosis diet

Juice fast and then diet of seeds, grains etc

To begin with, the patient should resort to a juice fast for five to seven days. Fresh, raw vegetables and juices of seasonal fruits may be taken three times a day. After the juice fast, the patient should take a diet consisting of seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables, and fruits, with emphasis on raw foods. Further short fasts of juices may be undertaken at intervals of three months or so, depending on the progress being made. The patient should take several small meals instead of a few large ones.

Avoid hydrogenated fats and excess of saturated fats

He should avoid all hydrogenated fats and an excess of saturated fats, such as butter, cream, ghee, and animal fat. He should also avoid meat, salt, and all refined and processed foods, condiments, sauces, pickles, strong tea, coffee, white sugar, white flour, and all products made from them.

Use olive oil, flax seed oil for cooking

Vegetable oils, particularly safflower oil, flax seed oil, and olive oil, should be used as a cooking medium.

Other Arteriosclerosis treatments

Warm-water enema

During the juice fast undertaken for the first five to seven days, a warm-water enema should be used daily to cleanse the bowels.

Avoid smoking

Smoking, if habitual, should be given up as it constricts the arteries and aggravates the condition.

Do outdoor exercise and avoid excess mental stress

The patient should undertake plenty of outdoor exercise and learn to take mental stress and worries in his stride.

Take prolonged immersion bath

A prolonged immersion bath at room temperature should be taken at bedtime on alternate days. This bath should be administered in a bath tub properly fitted with a hot and cold water connection. The bath tub should be filled with water at a temperature ranging from 33.4°C to 36.7°C, and the patient should lie in it for an hour or so. The head should be kept cold with a cold compress.




Nine Mental stages of Meditation

1 Placement

The act of seeking and finding an object on which one will have to place the mind is know as placement. It is the stage where the mind will have difficulties identifying the object. One attains this stage through proper guidance, which one has to learn from a qualified meditator. One must employ the strongest effort to do this.


 2 Continual Placement

At this stage the meditator has already found the object but his mind will refuse to stay on the object. Because of this the object could disappear at any time and one's mind will make repeated efforts to find the object. At this stage the meditator generates more effort to place the mind on the found object but cannot place the mind any longer than the first stage. The difference between the first and second stage is in the frequency of placement.


 3 Repair Placement

At this stage one would have identified the obstacles which were stealing one's concentration and therefore one develops a technique to straighten or repair one's distracted mind with the help of forced attention and contemplation. The meditator's mind will combat the thief of distraction and will reinforce one's mindfulness to win over the army of distraction. The difference between the second and the third stage is in the recognition of distraction.


4 Closed Placement

When the meditator gains some familiarity with the object of meditation without excessive distraction he or she has to refine his or her mindfulness to gain complete control over the obstacles. This is similar to a leader who has defeated his enemy but needs to consolidate the internal problems of the nation. The meditator will be able to closely place his mind on the object for the favorable duration without any noticeable interference. This is done with the help of his refined mindfulness and uninterrupted attention. There will be no danger of losing the object at this point. This is similar to the example of the swords men defending himself against an experienced archer whose seductive wife also tries to trick him. One's mindfulness has reached its maturity but one will still fail to prolong the duration because of the obstacles of sinking and excitement. One should try to prolong the session but should repeat many short sessions instead. Master that stage without failure.


 5 Subdued placement

During the previous stage one can only place the mind for the estimated duration but still the danger of obstacles i.e. sinking and excitement occurs. At this stage one develops an awareness which is capable of remedying grossing sinking and excitement. However, because of the uninterrupted effort to develop awareness, this stage will face the obstacles of subtle sinking which has to be subdued with a carefully managed spy of awareness. This should not however be overdone as it can cause subtle excitement. The difference between the fourth and the fifth stage is that at the fifth stage, the meditator will no longer face gross sinking and excitement. Uninterrupted attention is still required. It is said that " when I develop effort, mental excitement occurs, but when I remedy that, mental sinking sets in"


 6 Pacified Placement

At this stage, one has already overcome subtle sinking with the help of matured awareness. This subsequently causes one to face the problem of subtle excitement and the meditator needs to refine awareness with the help of uninterrupted attention. It is called pacified placement when the subtle excitement is totally overcome.


7 Perfectly calm Placement

During the initial period of this stage, residues of both subtle sinking and excitement will still occurs. With the help of the newly developed enthusiastic perseverance, one will have uninterrupted attention to unify mindfulness and awareness.


 8 One Pointed placement

The meditator will no longer find any problem and he or she will be able to place the mind one pointedly while strengthening one's uninterrupted attention.


 9 Placement in Equanimity

This is the stage of spontaneous achievement where the meditator requires no effort to meditate. Whether he is walking, talking, or meditating there it makes no difference to the power of his concentration. One can stay in this stage while experiencing complete pliancy of one's body and mind.


Your Wellspring Of Energy

Your Wellspring Of Energy
A Stress-Free Home

Sometimes our lives are so busy that we treat our homes as if they were impersonal places that we merely pass through. But we can make certain that our homes truly feel like our sanctuaries by taking the time to tend to them like gardens, which need care in order to offer us the beauty of their blooms. When we take the time to treat our homes like beloved treasures, we can shift their energy from being merely places to being wellsprings for the replenishment of our energy.

Consider that homes are the outer reflections of those who live within. If we feel that the current appearance clashes with how we'd like to see ourselves, it can keep us from fully allowing our light to shine. Updating our homes to reflect our inner landscape need not involve massive redecorating or a large outlay of money. Small things can make a big difference, like simply moving items so that we constantly gaze upon the things we love the most, liberating the treasures we've hidden in our closets, using our best dishes and making small repairs. Organizing and cleaning is a no-cost way to remove chaos from our homes and introduce more calm. Lovingly rejuvenating our personal space can become a creative project that increases the flow of good throughout all aspects of our lives and increases our feeling of connection. We can give old things new life by donating them to charity, opening space for newness to enter. Removing stress from our homes can be as simple as putting o! ur bills into pretty boxes and choosing a specific time to deal with them, or removing clutter so that we and our energy can move freely throughout our space.

Simplifying our space lets our imagination and energy roam free. We can choose to prioritize our homes, making them the true heart of our family's activities. Then we are free to focus on what really matters—time to ourselves, to share with loved ones, and to replenish our energy so that we have more to share with each other and with the world.


Drunk Driving Facts

Drunk Driving Facts


Research shows that after 5-7 drinks, the brain is numbed to an extent that a person cannot even hold a pen and write properly. Despite knowing this, many people drive under the influence of alcohol, only to meet with devastating results. There have been numerous cases of people driving under alcohol and involved in fatal accidents. So in case you don't want to risk your life doing something silly and dangerous, stay away from drinking and driving. Given here are some facts and effects of drinking under influence.


Facts about Drunken Driving 


  • The average BAC or Blood Alcohol Content / Concentration among fatally injured drinking drivers is .16.
  • The greatest single cause of death for every age from five through twenty- seven are traffic crashes and the single lying cause for that is driving under the influence of alcohol.
  • Drivers aged between 21 to 29 years, drive the greatest proportion of their miles drunk or under the influence of alcohol.
  • It is proved that men are four times more likely than women to drive after drinking!
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol is a crime and if found guilty, you can be fined heavily, sent to prison or have your license suspended. 


Effects of Drunken Driving 


  • The foremost and the most obvious effect of drunken driving is a fatal crash. Everyone knows alcohol suppresses the nervous system and numbs the brain, which means the time of reaction is considerably reduced. So in case of a crash, you may not be able to control the vehicle or use your discretion to maneuver it safely.
  • Another devastating effect could be harming someone else during driving. It could be a pedestrian or someone on another vehicle or even a co-passenger. You have no right whatsoever to let anyone else suffer the consequence of your action.
  • Once you are caught driving under influence, it is marked on your license which will mar your reputation forever. You won't be able to renew it again without much hassles and court proceedings and it will finally show up on your professional life as well.
  • Driving under influence will eventually reduce your own self-confidence and at one point of time, no one would prefer to come on a drive with you. It will destroy your personal as well as social life.












SWAMI VIVEKANANDA' S inspiring personality was well known both in India and in America during the last decade of the nineteenth century and the first decade of the twentieth. The unknown monk of India suddenly leapt into fame at the Parliament of Religions held in Chicago in 1893, at which he represented Hinduism. His vast knowledge of Eastern and Western culture as well as his deep spiritual insight, fervid eloquence, brilliant conversation, broad human sympathy, colourful personality, and handsome figure made an irresistible appeal to the many types of Americans who came in contact with him. People who saw or heard Vivekananda even once still cherish his memory after a lapse of more than half a century.

In America Vivekananda' s mission was the interpretation of India 's spiritual culture, especially in its Vedantic setting. He also tried to enrich the religious consciousness of the Americans through the rational and humanistic teachings of the Vedanta philosophy. In America he became India 's spiritual ambassador and pleaded eloquently for better understanding between India and the New World in order to create a healthy synthesis of East and West, of religion and science.

In his own motherland Vivekananda is regarded as the patriot saint of modern India and an inspirer of her dormant national consciousness, To the Hindus he preached the ideal of a strength-giving and man-making religion. Service to man as the visible manifestation of the Godhead was the special form of worship he advocated for the Indians, devoted as they were to the rituals and myths of their ancient faith. Many political leaders of India have publicly acknowledged their indebtedness to Swami Vivekananda.

The Swami's mission was both national and international. A lover of mankind, be strove to promote peace and human brotherhood on the spiritual foundation of the Vedantic Oneness of existence. A mystic of the highest order, Vivekananda had a direct and intuitive experience of Reality. He derived his ideas from that unfailing source of wisdom and often presented them in the soul stirring language of poetry.

The natural tendency of Vivekananda' s mind, like that of his Master, Ramakrishna, was to soar above the world and forget itself in contemplation of the Absolute. But another part of his personality bled at the sight of human suffering in East and West alike. It might appear that his mind seldom found a point of rest in its oscillation between contemplation of God and service to man. Be that as it may, he chose, in obedience to a higher call, service to man as his mission on earth; and this choice has endeared him to people in the West, Americans in particular.

In the course of a short life of thirty-nine years (1863-1902), of which only ten were devoted to public activities-and those, too, in the midst of acute physical suffering-he left for posterity his four classics: Jnana-Yoga, Bhakti-Yoga, Karma-Yoga, and Raja-Yoga, all of which are outstanding treatises on Hindu philosophy. In addition, he delivered innumerable lectures, wrote inspired letters in his own hand to his many friends and disciples, composed numerous poems, and acted as spiritual guide to the many seekers, who came to him for instruction. He also organized the Ramakrishna Order of monks, which is the most outstanding religious organization of modern India . It is devoted to the propagation of the Hindu spiritual culture not only in the Swami's native land, but also in America and in other parts of the world.

Swami Vivekananda once spoke of himself as a "condensed India ." His life and teachings are of inestimable value to the West for an understanding of the mind of Asia . William James, the Harvard philosopher, called the Swami the "paragon of Vedantists." Max Muller and Paul Deussen, the famous Orientalists of the nineteenth century, held him in genuine respect and affection. "His words," writes Romain Rolland, "are great music, phrases in the style of Beethoven, stirring rhythms like the march of Handel choruses. I cannot touch these sayings of his, scattered as they are through the pages of books, at thirty years' distance, without receiving a thrill through my body like an electric shock. And what shocks, what transports, must have been produced when in burning words they issued from the lips of the hero!''




Cow Urine Trade Goes Offical In India !!!

Lucknow, Feb. 5: The Uttarakhand government will now buy and sell 5,000 litres of cow urine every day. The government will purchase cow urine from cattle owners and then sell it to Ayurveda pharmacies like Patanjali Yogpeeth and Geeta Bhavan, which have volunteered to buy the product for use in manufacture of Ayurvedic medicines.
The government plans to create a market later where cattle owners can interact directly with buyers. According to Uttarakhand minister for animal husbandry Trivendra Rawat, “We have got an order for 5,000 litres of cow urine per day from Patanjali Yogpeeth pharmacy, owned by Yoga guru Swami Ramdev, and Geeta Bhavan. Swargashram Rishikesh, too, has shown keen interest in buying cow urine for Ayurvedic medicines. We plan to buy cow urine though milk cooperatives at Rs 5 per litre.”
The programme was launched in Kalsi, in Chakrata tehsil of Dehradun, earlier this month. The next phase will begin from Srinagar in Garhwal area later this month. Nearly 1,900 active milk cooperatives will be engaged to collect cow urine  which will later be sold to Ayurvedic pharmacies. The urine of 26 species of cows, named Badri, has a richer herbal residue content compared to that of cows found in the plains. “Badri” urine has a unique quality to treat cancer, claim experts. Ayurvedic chemists vouch for the medicinal properties of distilled cow urine.
“Cow urine has the same potential as Ciplox and Amoxicilin in allopathic medicines to fight diseases,” said Rakesh Bahuguna, an Ayurvedic chemist. The minister said Uttarakhand did not have the facilities to make cow urine concentrate and the government is keen to start a cow research institute. Mr Rawat visited Kanpur recently to study the upkeep of cow sheds being run in Uttar Pradesh. A team of officials also visited Jaipur to evaluate the work being done in Rajasthan. “We want to collect all information so that we can have an excellent research facility in the proposed cow research institute,” he said.



Weight gain after Menopause

Weight gain after Menopause



As women reach their late thirties and earl y forties, many start to notice that they begin to gain weight, particularly around the abdomen, which is difficult to shift. Weight gain is one of the many common symptoms of menopause and it occurs prior to and after the onset of this stage in a woman's life. In this article we take a closer look at weight gain after menopause.



The main reason why many women gain weight during menopause is because their hormone levels begin to drop rapidly. To be precise estrogen is the primary hormone involved in the changes that occur. The purpose of estrogen is to bring about and regulate monthly ovulation in women, but when a woman undergoes menopause the levels of this hormone declines. When the body has no estrogen it will eventually stop ovulating.



The reason why lack of estrogen causes weight gain in menopausal women is because the body starts to look for another source of estrogen. So it turns it's attention to the fat cells as these can also produce estrogen, as a result the body puts more effort into changing calories from food into fat, because estrogen is in high demand.



Many women find that gaining weight around the waist is often the first symptom of menopause that they will experience.

There is also another hormone that plays a part in the increase of weight around the waist... testosterone. Most people associate this hormone with males however females also have this, its purpose is to create lean muscle from the calories consumed when eating food. The higher the levels of testosterone, the faster the metabolism, which means less fat. The problem for menopausal women is the fact that the levels of this hormone drop during this stage, resulting in a slow metabolism and an increase in body fat.



One of the ways a woman can fight against weight gain after menopause is by committing to an exercise program. Exercise is a proven and low cost way to keep the extra fat away from the waist. Furthermore it has many other positive effects such as strengthening the cardiovascular system and aiding mental well being.



The onset of menopause can be a very worrying process for women who are approaching this age. But if you are in this boat the best thing you can do is get the facts and educate yourself in regards to this process. This will make it easier to cope with. Once you start going through menopause you will notice that making simple lifestyle changes for example eating healthily, quitting smoking, avoiding alcohol and getting regular exercise etc, can do wonders for reducing the symptoms of menopause including weight gain.



Menopausal women should also remember that in this day and age there are numerous different types of treatment available, and due to our understanding it is easier to cope with menopause then it has ever been before.


Most of us experience anger at one time or another. Others may get
angry with us, justifiably or not. We may become angry at others,
sometimes with very good reason, sometimes not. One thing is for sure,
it is not a pleasant experience.

We cannot always reason with those that are bitter towards us and
sometimes we may need to accept that it exists. To counteract this
with retaliation is something that needs careful consideration.

"Consider how much more you often suffer from your anger and grief,
than from those very things for which you are angry and grieved." -
Marcus Antonius

Perhaps we are guilty of hostility more than we would like to be.
Greater interaction with people should reduce these feelings. Less
anger should result in more confidence and less stress.

Is a discussion possible and is it worthwhile? A few words and an
exchange of viewpoints might result in one or both sides having a
change in attitude. Try to see another point of view no matter how
unreasonable it appears.

Consider how you are feeling. It is common, perhaps good advice, to
let anger be expressed, to not hold it inside. My personal experience
is that sometimes I have regretted this because I was wrong or over
reacted. Sometimes the anger still lingered. Avoiding anger in the
first place, through conciliation or acceptance, can result in feeling
better all around.

Hatred is a prolonged anger towards a fellow human. There are various
forms of hatred, motivated in different ways, and mostly without
cause. Prejudice, jealousy, gossip, bullying are hard to deal with.
This is where friends can be a great help in trying to understand
these harmful actions. They can offer comfort and foresight. Be a friend.

"Whatever is begun in anger, ends in shame." - Ben Franklin (1706-1790)


How To Get Pregnant Using An Ovulation Calendar

You can increase your chances of getting pregnant if you understand the ovulation process and how it fits into your monthly menstrual cycle. During each menstrual cycle, the endometrial tissue thickens to prepare the uterus for a possible pregnancy. Approximately midway through the cycle, ovulation occurs.


Ovulation is the process by which an ovary produces and releases an egg. The egg develops in the ovary in a small, fluid-filled sac called a follicle. When the egg is mature this sac ruptures, releasing the egg from the ovary.


The fingerlike projections on the nearby fallopian tube sweep the egg into the tube, where it begins to inch toward the uterus. If the egg is fertilized by a sperm, the fertilized egg moves to the uterus and becomes implanted in the rich uterine lining, where it grows for nine months.

If the egg does not become fertilized during ovulation (that is, if you do not become pregnant), the thickened endometrial tissue breaks down and passes, along with the unfertilized egg, out of the cervix, through the vagina, and out of the body as the menstrual discharge.

Ovulation - the time during a menstrual cycle when you may become pregnant - is regulated by a complex system of hormonal and chemical secretions from the ovaries, the hypothalamus (part of the brain), and the pituitary gland (the master gland that controls most hormonal secretions).

There are several ways to determine the optimal time to get pregnant. One way to recognize when ovulation is happening is to take your body temperature with a basal thermometer (a special thermometer that will show even slight changes in body temperature) before rising in the morning.

In most women, the body temperature rises slightly soon after ovulation occurs each month and does not return to normal until the menstrual flow begins. This is the ideal time to become pregnant. Some women hoping to get pregnant keep track of their temperature on a calendar, as a pattern can emerge across several months.

Another way to figure out the best time to get pregnant is to create an ovulation calendar.

Count 14 days forward from the first day of the last menstrual period in an average 28-day cycle.

Count 15 days for a cycle that is normally 29 days, 16 days for a cycle that is normally 30 days long, and so on.


However, this method is less accurate in determining the best time to get pregnant than the thermometer method because the length of the menstrual cycle can vary from month to month.

Some women feel abdominal cramps during ovulation, and so those women have an additional method of recognizing the best time of the cycle to try and get pregnant.

A sperm that has been released into the vagina as long as two days before the release of a ripe egg can still fertilize it. And an egg, once released, is capable of being fertilized for about two days. Because of this variability, there is a period of about four to ten days in each menstrual cycle during which a woman can become pregnant.

Creating an ovulation calendar by keeping track of your monthly cycle on a calendar will help you determine the length of your menstrual cycle, which will then allow you to figure out the approximate time that ovulation occurs. With a good timing and a little patience, you too can increase your chances of becoming pregnant.


SWEET POISON A frightening eyeopener!!

A frightening eyeopener!!


In October of 2001, my sister started getting very sick. She had stomach spasms and she was having a hard time getting around.  Walking was a major chore. It took everything she had just to get out of bed; she was in so much pain.

By March 2002, she had undergone several tissue and muscle biopsies and was on 24 various prescription medications.  The doctors could not determine what was wrong with her. She was in so much pain, and so sick she just knew she was dying. She put her house, bank accounts, life insurance, etc.., in her oldest daughter's name, and made sure that her younger children were to be taken care of.

She also wanted her last hooray, so she planned a trip to Florida (basically in a wheelchair) for March 22nd.

On March 19 I called her to ask how her most recent tests went, and she said they didn't find anything on the test, but they believe she had MS.
I recalled an article a friend of mine e-mailed to me and I asked my sister if she drank diet soda? She told me that she did.  As a matter of fact, she was getting ready to crack one open that moment.

I told her not to open it, and to stop drinking the diet soda!
I e-mailed her article my friend, a lawyer, had sent.
My sister called me within 32 hours after our phone conversation and told me she had stopped drinking the diet soda AND she could walk!  The muscle spasms went away. She said she didn't feel 100% but she sure felt a lot better. She told me she was going to her doctor with this article and would call me when she got home.

Well, she called me, and said her doctor was amazed! He is going to call all of his MS patients to find out if they consumed artificial sweeteners of any kind.
In a nutshell, she was being poisoned by the Aspartame in the diet soda...and literally dying a slow and miserable death.

When she got to Florida March 22, all she had to take was one pill, and that was a pill for the Aspartame poisoning! She is well on her way to a complete recovery.
And she is walking! No wheelchair! This article saved her life.
If it says 'SUGAR FREE' on the label; DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!
I have spent several days lecturing at the WORLD ENVIRONMENTAL CONFERENCE on 'ASPARTAME,' marketed as 'Nutra Sweet,' 'Equal,' and  'Spoonful.'

In the keynote address by the EPA, it was announced that in the United States in 2001 there is an epidemic of multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus. It was difficult to determine exactly what toxin was causing this to be rampant.
I stood up and said that I was there to lecture on exactly that subject.
I will explain why Aspartame is so dangerous: When the temperature of this sweetener exceeds 86 degrees F, the wood alcohol in ASPARTAME converts to formaldehyde and then to formic acid, which in turn causes metabolic acidosis. Formic acid is the poison found in the sting of fire ants. The methanol toxicity mimics, among other conditions, multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus. Many people were being diagnosed in error.  Although multiple sclerosis is not a death sentence, Methanol toxicity is!

Systemic lupus has become almost as rampant as multiple sclerosis, especially with Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi drinkers..  The victim usually does not know that the Aspartame is the culprit. He or she continues its use; irritating the lupus to such a degree that it may become a life-threatening condition.
We have seen patients with systemic lupus become asymptotic, once taken off diet sodas.

In cases of those diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, most of the symptoms disappear.. We've seen many cases where vision loss returned and hearing loss improved markedly.

This also applies to cases of tinnitus and fibromyalgia..
During a lecture, I said, 'If you are using ASPARTAME (Nutra Sweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc) and you suffer from fibromyalgia symptoms, spasms, shooting, pains, numbness in your legs, cramps, vertigo, dizziness, headaches, tinnitus, joint pain, unexplainable depression, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, blurred vision, or memory loss you probably have ASPARTAME poisoning!'
People were jumping up during the lecture saying, 'I have some of these symptoms. Is it reversible?'

Yes! Yes! Yes! STOP drinking diet sodas and be alert for Aspartame on food labels! Many products are fortified with it!  This is a serious problem.
Dr. Espart (one of my speakers) remarked that so many people seem to be symptomatic for MS and during his recent visit to a hospice; a nurse stated that six of her friends, who were heavy Diet Coke addicts, had all been diagnosed with MS. This is beyond coincidence!

Diet soda is NOT a diet product! It is a chemically altered, multiple SODIUM (salt) and ASPARTAME containing product that actually makes you crave carbohydrates.  It is far more likely to make you GAIN weight!

These products also contain formaldehyde, which stores in the fat cells, particularly in the hips and thighs.  Formaldehyde is an absolute toxin and is used primarily to preserve 'tissue specimens.' Many products we use every day contain this chemical but we SHOULD NOT store it IN our body!

Dr. H. J. Roberts stated in his lectures that once free of the 'diet products' and with no significant increase in exercise; his patients lost an average of 19 pounds over a trial period.

Aspartame is especially dangerous for diabetics.
We found that some physicians, who believed that they had a patient with retinopathy, in fact, had symptoms caused by Aspartame.
The Aspartame drives the blood sugar out of control. Thus diabetics may suffer acute memory loss due to the fact that aspartic acid and phenylalanine are NEUROTOXIC when taken without the other amino acids necessary for a good balance.

Treating diabetes is all about BALANCE. Especially with diabetics, the Aspartame passes the blood/brain barrier and it then deteriorates the neurons of the brain; causing various levels of brain damage, seizures, depression, manic depression, panic attacks, uncontrollable anger and rage.

Consumption of Aspartame causes these same symptoms in non-diabetics as well.
Documentation and observation also reveal that thousands of children diagnosed with ADD and ADHD have had complete turnarounds in their behavior when these chemicals have been removed from their diet. So called 'behavior modification prescription drugs' (Ritalin and others) are no longer needed. Truth be told, they were never NEEDED in the first place!  Most of these children were being 'poisoned' on a daily basis with the very foods that were 'better for them than sugar.'

It is also suspected that the Aspartame in thousands of pallets of diet Coke and diet Pepsi consumed by men and women fighting in the Gulf War, may be partially to blame for the well-known Gulf War Syndrome.

Dr. Roberts warns that it can cause birth defects, i.e. mental retardation, if taken at the time of conception and during early pregnancy.
Children are especially at risk for neurological disorders and should NEVER be given artificial sweeteners.  There are many different case histories to relate of children suffering grand mal seizures and other neurological disturbances talking about a plague of neurological diseases directly caused by the use of this deadly poison.'

Herein lies the problem:
There were Congressional Hearings when Aspartame was included in 100 different products and strong objection was made concerning its use. Since this initial hearing, there have been two subsequent hearings, and still nothing has been done. The drug and chemical lobbies have very deep pockets.

Sadly, MONSANTO'S patent on Aspartame has EXPIRED!
There are now over 5,000 products on the market that contain this deadly chemical and there will be thousands more introduced.  Everybody wants a 'piece of the Aspartame pie.' I assure you that MONSANTO, the creator of Aspartame, knows how deadly it is.

And isn't it ironic that MONSANTO funds, among others, the American Diabetes   Association, the American Dietetic Association and the Conference of the American College of Physicians?

This has been recently exposed in the New York Times.
These [organizations] cannot criticize any additives or convey their link to MONSANTO because they take money from the food industry and are required to endorse their products.

Senator Howard Metzenbaum wrote and presented a bill that would require label warnings on products containing Aspartame, especially regarding pregnant women, children and infants.  The bill would also institute independent studies on the known dangers and the problems existing in the general population regarding seizures, changes in brain chemistry, neurological changes and behavioral symptoms.

The bill was killed.

It is known that the powerful drug and chemical lobbies are responsible for this, letting loose the hounds of disease and death on an unsuspecting and uninformed public. Well, you're informed now! YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW!


8 Hair Growth Secrets

1.  Drink Recommended Daily Amount Of Water

Coffee, tea, sugar drinks or beer does not count in your daily water count.  Water means exactly that -  water.  Carbonated and caffeinated drinks may actually speed up dehydration which means that the body is not functioning at optimal levels.  Not only can dehydration make you feel drained and exhausted, it can be a hidden factor in hair growth stoppage, dry strands or tresses that break off.

Adjust your daily levels according to the seasons of the year (hot weather may require more daily water consumption) and the amount of stress in your life. 

When pressed for exact formulas, most experts can not give a simple answer to how much water humans should drink every day.  A general rule of thumb is for women to drink between 2 and 2.6 liters of water a day.  For men the rule of thumb is 2.8 to 3.5 liters.

There are many exceptions to this general rule of thumb which are tied back to age, lifestyle, weight and climate.  In essence, experts advise that you replace all the water that you excrete every day. 

2.  Drink Green Tea

As always, experts disagree with the merits of green tea and whether or not it does conclusively help hair health and encourage growth. 

Experts who believe in the hair health benefits of green tea point to the fact that certain compounds found in green tea cause the relaxation of blood vessels, helping overall cardiovascular activity through increased circulation.  Of course increased circulation will naturally help nourish hair roots and scalp tissues.

3.  Take A Brisk Walk Several Times A Week

Experts have discovered that walking at a quick pace for just 15 minutes will help to raise your normal heart rate which improves circulation to your entire body, including to your scalp and hair follicles.  It also helps shake out the cobwebs and aids in a feeling of alertness and energy.

The ideal time to take a walk is about one hour after a meal.  This allows your body to digest and puts less overall strain on your system.

Of course it is important to always consult with your personal physician before beginning any new exercise routine that would be strenuous in any way. 

It is also best to avoid walking at the hottest times of the day.  And yes, don't forget your sunscreen, regardless of the time of year that you walk, which is why many people have become devoted mall walkers.

4.  Get Enough Sleep

Many people are sleep deprived.  As a result of daily stresses and strains studies have found that humans are getting less and less sleep.  For the body to function at optimal capability, which includes having the necessary energy to nourish and grow hair, humans need enough sleep.

Unfortunately there is no pat answer for how much sleep is enough.  Again, it depends on the individual.  Most sleep experts recommend an average of 6-8 hours for active adults.  Depending on age, health conditions and other factors you may need more than 8 or be able to survive on a little less.

As a result of more sleep deprived people, cat naps are becoming more popular.  A great way to get a daily energy boost is to schedule a 20 minute cat nap.  Be sure not to sleep longer than 20 minutes though or else you will more tired than before you napped.  Studies have shown that 20 minutes is the very best amount of time for getting maximum benefit.  So set an alarm for exactly 20 minutes and catch some mid-day Zzzs.

5.  Eat Energy Snacks

When hunger hits between meals, eat to nourish your hair roots.  Reach for one handful of unsalted natural cashews or a few almonds.  Almonds are loaded with magnesium which is an essential mineral for growing healthy strands.

Other good hair healthy snacks include yogurt, hard boiled eggs and tofu which all have great nutrients to help hair grow.

6.  Indulge In Daily Aromatherapy

Many studies have been done on the effects of aromatherapy when used in daily or regular scalp massages for both healthy hair and scalp as well as overall health.

Studies have found that there is a direct link between the use of aromatherapy and hair growth. 

A study performed by the Archives of Dermatology in 1998 by Scottish researchers found that aromatherapy can promote new hair growth.  Patients who massaged various aromatherapy oils on their scalps every day enjoyed significant and measurable improvement in their hair growth. 

7.  Laughter Is The Best Medicine

Attitude is everything.  Studies have shown that chronic negative moods can impact the human body and cause all human systems to slow down or become sluggish.  This includes the circulatory system which feeds the roots of the hair, helping it to grow and remain properly nourished.  When life gets you down rent a funny movie or read a humorous book.  Take a break and have some fun to light your mood. 

8.  Eat Power Foods

Extreme diets that eliminate major food groups can be detrimental to healthy hair and can actually cause a slow down in new hair production.  Diets that are too low in calories or completely eliminate either proteins or carbs can stimulate a form of alopecia that causes hair loss.  Always eat a balanced food plan that incorporates healthy amounts of proteins and carbs.  Don't forget to take either your daily vitamins or your hair growth vitamins like HairTopia vitamins.


Know about Sunsigns - Libra


Sun Signs


As per the astrological traditions, the sun sign of a person is that particular zodiac sign in which the Sun was, at the time of his/her birth. The ecliptic, the apparent path through which the Sun passes in the sky, is divided into twelve equal parts and each of the part comprises of a separate zodiac/astrological sign. When the sun enters a particular sign in which it will spend the whole month, that zodiac sign becomes the sun sign or star sign for that month. In sun sign astrology, the placements of only those planets are taken in account, which affect the Sun.

Each of the star signs is associated with a different symbol and represents the zodiac sign in which the Sun was at the time of a person's birth. The description of a sun sign provides information about the basic personality traits of person who is born under that sign. Sun rules willpower and ego and the sun signs tell us about the uniqueness of an individual, who he is and what he is about to become. In the following lines, we have provided the basic description of all the sun signs (star signs), along with their symbols and meaning.





24th September to 23rd October

The zodiac sign of Libra has the symbol of 'The Balance'. Check out the characteristic profile & personality traits of a Libran.

Symbol: The Balance
Ruling Planet: Venus
Quality: Cardinal
Element: Air
Basic Trait: I Balance
Closest Metal: Copper
Lucky Day: Friday
Lucky Colors: Pastel shades of Pink and Blue
Lucky Gems: Lapis Lazuli, Cornelian and Sapphire
Lucky Flowers: Daisies and Daffodils




Patient and balanced


Gregarious and sociable

May become careless

Loving and affectionate

Prone to indulgence

Cheerful and energetic

Emotional and sensitive


Libra, The Balance, is the seventh sign of the zodiac. The first and foremost personality trait you will notice about a Libran is his politeness. He loves people and hates to be rude to anyone. However, crowds do not attract him. A Libran is extremely good at solving a quarrel between two people quite amicably. On the other hand, he always enjoys having a good-natured argument himself. As per the Libra characteristic profile, the people born under this zodiac sign are usually very pleasant, cheerful and friendly.

One thing that ticks off a Libran is taking orders. You order him around and he will become the sulkiest person on this earth. As you try to give a typical description of the Libran personalities, you will find a number of inconsistencies in them. On one hand, Librans are very intelligent, on the other; they may be amazingly naive and susceptible. They talk too much, but are patient listeners too. They come across as restless, but seldom seem to be in a hurry. Confused? Don't worry; they are as confused about this contradictory behavior as you are.

A Libran will be composed, balanced, lovable, courteous and amiable half of the time. In the other half, he will be exasperating, irritable, inflexible, fidgety, unhappy and mystified. He is always tipping to one side or the other, till the perfect balance is achieved. Librans have a very captivating smile, which can easily melt your heart. Even their laughter rings with gaiety and seems to brighten up even the dullest of surroundings. They are very delightful when their mind in a balanced state. However, a Libra mind is prone to fickleness.

He is always weighing the pros and cons of a situation and finds it very difficult to form the perfect, balanced, opinion. He has this annoying habit of starting an argument just for the heck of it. You may have heard that Librans are lazy, but in this case also, there is a contradiction. They will keep on working for weeks, even months, at a time, managing on four-hours sleep everyday. Then, suddenly, they will feel completely exhausted and go into the laziness spell. Once this happens, it is impossible to even make them move a limb.

After sometime, a Libran will again be his energetic self and be out of the door even before you can say bye. However, it does not mean that he has a dual nature. It's just that he needs the lazy spell to regain his lost energy. As far as his emotions are concerned, he may become too sentimental one moment, turn sarcastic the other moment and become extremely cheerful in the very next. Again, it's not their dual personality, but a Libran's constant need to experience different emotion at different points of time.

Infact, his personality is a mix of kindheartedness, softness, equality, indecisiveness, theoretical logic and inability to take orders. He also loves to argument, especially when someone passes general statements. A Libran can take both the sides of an argument by turns, and win at both. Infact, he can even switch sides in the middle of the argument. However, behind all this argumentativeness is the constant urge to be fair and impartial, to look at both the sides of the coin, making him seem indecisive.

However, don't get impatient when a Libran is making up his mind. He hates impatience and it can make him extremely stubborn. He is very honest and does not like showing off. Librans love books and have the ability of concentrating and thinking over the deepest of subjects. They are very much impressed as well as influenced by the harmony of art forms. A Libran is artistic at heart and loves soft light, melodious music, intelligent conversation, good food and fine wines. He has a combination of intelligence, generosity, fairness and the need to be balanced.

